Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Today was Andrew's first day of preschool. How and when did my baby get so old!? He has been looking forward to going to school all summer long, so I was so excited for him that this day was finally here. He was thrilled that he would be going and we would be staying home (with that baby!) We went school shopping a few weeks ago & we have kept those clothes in the bag waiting for this day. Last night we got them out & he picked out his own outfit to wear (he was so excited). I told him I would make him a special first day of school breakfast to get his energy for the day -- his choice of pancakes, waffles, bacon, toast -- you name it. What did he choose? Peanut butter & Jelly. It made my morning easier! He slept in this morning a little bit & was SO happy when he woke up!

On his way to school we were talking about the friends he was going to make, and as an added bonus he was going to get to see Liam at recess! He told us he was going to introduce Liam to all his friends and the girls too because girls can go to school too. Hmm...who knew! LOL! He had a blast his first day! He got to paint his hand, read "There Was an Old Lady who Lived in a Shoe", sang "Itsy Bitsy Spider", got to have crackers & apple juice for a snack, and played on the playground at recess. I'm so happy for him that he loves this & gets to go to preschool. I just can't believe he's old enough! :) (by the way, I made it through with no tears!)

Posing with his backpack

Andrew & Daddy

Andrew & Mommy

Standing in front of his school with his 'school supplies' (the required box with a change of clothes inside)

Already playing with (and telling on) his new friends. I don't know how many times he told us goodbye while we were there. He was SO ready for us to leave! At least he was happy to see me and go home too though! :)

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