Tuesday, September 8, 2009

How'd we get her name?

We've had a lot of people ask us how we came up with the name Evelyn Jean....

The long story :)...

When looking at baby names, I loved the name Evie - pronounced with a short e (like Evian) rather than a long E (like Eve) . I found that Evie was actually short for Evelyn, which I thought was beautiful and perfect. The name Lynn has many ties in our families -- my mom's middle name is Lynn, as is mine, Mike's mom's, and my cousin Erica's. The name Jean is just as strong in my family -- my Grandma's, sister's, and aunt's, middle name is Jean, and it is my cousin's first name. While we were trying to come up with a name, I was torn between carrying on 'Lynn' or carrying on 'Jean' (having family meaning to a name is important to me). When I came across Evelyn and paired it with Jean, I thought it sounded so elegant & beautiful that it almost had to be!

Then, to top it off, I was working at the Dupage County Fair one day and a little girl who looked JUST LIKE Andrew came walking up -- I was staring at this girl because of the resembelence. She had the same eyes, button nose, killer smile, and hair color (though hers was longer). When her mom was calling her back her name was Evie -- it was TOTALLY a sign! :)

We hadn't fully decided this would be her name until we actually met her. There were a lot of other names on the list we liked just as well, but she was such an Evie that it just worked out. :)

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