Tuesday, June 15, 2010

and now, deep thoughts....

My brain has felt pretty fuzzy lately, but there are a few things that keep swirling around that keep me going...

1) My kids totally rock. They make me smile and laugh and feel love like I never knew existed every single day of the week. I always feel like they deserve more, and it pushes and drives me to be better.

2) At the end of the day, I have food on my table, a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and a bed to sleep in. Something I never valued nearly as much as I should have until recently watching "The Blind Side". If you haven't seen it, rent it. It will give you a whole new appreciation of life.

3) I love that Evie is such a diva that she only goes to bed 'nicely' when she has her princess, super soft chenille sheet on her bed that Laurie bought her from Pottery Barn. Any other sheet simply will not do and it ticks her off!

4) Andrew's current bedtime routine takes about 30 minutes & consists of reading books, playing shadow puppets, discussing our favorite thing about the day, cuddling and talking, and playing the "no go" game (a game where I say it's time to go & he tackles me with hugs and kisses begging me not to leave). I love this time we have together!

5) It melts my heart that Andrew calls all the baby dolls in the house his baby Evie & takes care of them in a way that I take care of Evie. He even makes his bear bear a bed in his bed, which is Evie sleeping in bed with him.

6) Evie is stubborn, and I love every inch of fight in her little body. I hope with all my might that she does not lose the drive an determination that is packed into her!

7) We have gone through a lot this year, and through it all Mike has been strong and steady and dependable and I will always love and appreciate that about him!

8) I think it's awesome that my sister lives across the street, and that we get to see her and Liam as often as we do!

9) I may hate my job with every ounce that is my being, but I love the people I work with and the flexibility it gives me. It pays the bills and doesn't kill me. And for that, I am grateful.

10) There are people in my life I wish would leave, and people I wish would come back. But, I am extremely grateful for the people in my life and the frienships that have grown!

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