Friday, January 29, 2010

She's Mobile!

It is one day before she turns 5 months old & Evie is OFFICIALLY mobile! She first rolled back in mid-December, and then would only do it with us helping her over. Today, we were in the kitchen eating breakfast & she was chilling on her activity mat. All of a sudden, I look in the family room & she was ON HER TUMMY! Her little arms & legs were just flailing about! It was adorable! Almost like she was saying 'okay, now what do I do?' We all ran in and cheerd her, and I rolled her back over to her back -- she had never gone from her tummy to her back before. Before we know it, she rolled back over onto her tummy! A little later this morning, she went from her back to her tummy, then back to her back again! She was doing this all day today, so I think it's okay to officially say she is mobile!!! Yay Evie!!

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