Sunday, October 18, 2009

7 weeks flown by!

My oh can she be 7 weeks old already? I can't believe it! So...a little bit about our little miss Ev!
She's a screamer...oh my goodness can this child cry! I thought she had reflux, so I took her to the doctor, explained the symptoms & she agreed with me so we got a prescription of Zantac. It helped a little, but not completely. The pediatrician had also recommended that I cut out dairy, so after a week, I gave it a try. What a turn around! She turned into a relatively calm child. She still has her bouts, but it is no longer all day every to my ears! She started cooing & smiling all at the same time which is SO rewarding! It's like she's saying, thanks mom for figuring that out!

The little things I love so much...

Whenever Andrew is near her, she is absolutely drawn to him! He loves to do back time & tummy time with her, and she turns toward him & is always reaching out and grabbing his shirt or hand or touching his is so sweet!

If she wakes up, Andrew takes it upon himself to go in to her. He will sing her a song (usually the ABC's), and if that doesn't immediately calm her down, he will decide she wants to watch a movie, will run & grab my iPod & start Little Einsteins for her! He lays down on the floor & watches it.

When I hold her, she reaches her little arm out & wraps it around my shoulder. I love it!

Her smile is GORGEOUS!!

She's FINALLY in her own room! Such a big girl...and I get my space back. It feels so good & like we've crossed one of the many bridges for the next year!

She absolutely loves to be sung to (Itsy Bitsy Spider is her kid favorite) and listen to music. Laurie figured out that the song "Everything's gonna be alright" by Bob Marley is her favorite, so that song is constantly on repeat!

Now that she doesn't cry so much, I've gotten back into reading to Andrew which I had totally missed! She will sit on my lap and listen to the books.

I feel like life is finally gaining a ground of normalcy which it had been lacking for the last 4 weeks.

Evie is growing and changing every day & Andrew is LOVING preschool and his role as big brother. We've come a long way in 7 weeks. I've only got 5 more weeks before I go back to work, and am SO excited to have more time as she becomes easier & a little person!

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