Dinnertime at our house usually means a meltdown for Andrew. Other than a couple nights a week, I have to fix dinner before Mike gets home & it's a time of night where Andrew really wants my attention. It's hard to give him attention & cook at the same time, and utensils, pots & pans, choo choo movies and everything else I've tried just don't work --- or if they did, they have lost their appeal! So, I decided to try some new arts things that could keep him occupied and in the kitchen and out from under my feet! The two things I tried are play dough (puh poh) and finger painting. Finger painting takes quite a bit of attention! Andrew doesn't really like the feel of the paint on his hands, so I cut shapes out of a sponge for him to dip in the paint and stamp -- he loves it! The play dough is his favorite though, and he asks to play every day! He runs over to the closet where we keep all his crafty things, and points up and says "puh poh peese!", so of course we let him play!
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