What a fun day! Mike, Laurie & I started out trick or treating with Andrew the Monkey & Liam the fireman at Grandma & Grandpa Sambrookes's house. It has been a tradition of ours to stop there with the boys before heading out, and I think everyone enjoys it. From there, Mike & I went to his parents house so his mom could get some pictures. We were only there for a few minutes. She was dressed as a very scary witch & Andrew cried everytime we took a step away so she could get a picture! So, back in the car we go to come home - Laurie & Liam met us - and we were off to trick or treat around our neighborhood. Liam did great going door to door, asking "trick or treat" and saying thank you. Andrew did a good job of walking - made it to a couple doors by himself, but had trouble leaving the houses! He was more entertained with sitting on everyone's steps! We tried to get him to say something that sounded like trick or treat, but he wouldn't. At one point, Mike & I walked him up to a door, said trick or treat, got the candy and left. At that point I decided we were just asking for candy, so if Andrew didn't go up to a door, we just stayed back! The boys got a lot of great candy, and had so much fun!Liam the Fireman
Andrew the monkey


After a long day of trick or treating!
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