Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The inevitible

Well... it was bound to happen... my 12 weeks at home is coming to an end way too quickly, and I gotta be honest. I'm horribly sad!
I very clearly remember dropping Andrew off at his first babysitter 5 years ago. I drove away in tears and thought to myself that it was only temporary...some day I'd be able to be home. Two babies later and I'm in the same place, except this time I know it isn't temporary.
There are so many parts of my day I'm going to miss....
My snuggly Ryan so early in the morning when the whole house is sleeping...
Watching Andrew get on his bus & waving goodbye each morning...
Talking to Denise as we walk back home....
The sweet way Evie cuddles up in my lap as soon as she can so we can enjoy our coffee together & watch her 'doggie movie'....
Waiting on the front porch for Andrew to come home...
Hearing him be so excited for his day when he's first off the bus...
My one on one time with Andrew to help him with his homework with no distractions in the house (other than my happy cooing Ryan)...
Getting to spend 2 full days a week as a whole family with Mike home (when I go back, we are never home on the same day together)...
All the time we spend with friends, playdates, and having time to run errands at easy times of the day...
Nursing Ryan... I struggled with the time commitment, but I have to say, I'm incredibly proud of how big he has gotten while being 100% home grown!
Being just a housewife.... It makes me feel like I have purpose knowing my kids & house have been taken care of! Somehow it has all clicked... I like that Mike can come home to a picked up house & dinner...it gives me a good feeling!
My house just runs so smoothly right now. There is a beautiful balance for all 3 of my kids, and so many of those special moments that I am lucky enough to get every day! I'm nowhere near ready to give any of that up. I know there are benefits to going back to work too... adult conversation & a solid 6 hours or so with no crying...oh, and the paycheck is good too. Not quite sure my heart is going to value those benefits though, because it is here, at home, with my beautiful happy babies.
Of course it's not without bumps, and it's not all sunshine all the time, but there is definitely more good than bad and I think that's all I can ask for! I love my family, I love my life & I really hope I can figure out a way for work not to upset my balance!