Monday, May 24, 2010

Fun Monday!

It seems like we've been waiting forever for some nice weather. Well, today, it was finally here!! Ev went down for her morning nap & Andrew and I headed outside to put water in the baby pool, figuring it would warm up for them to play in this afternoon. We cleaned out the pool, and put the water in it...somewhere in the process Andrew got wet -- go figure right!? I remembered being a kid, and how fun it was to play in the sprinkler with our clothes on, so I just let him play. I set up the sprinkler, and he ran and laughed and played for at least an hour! He had his "obstacle course" where he would start back by the fence, run and jump in the pool, then hop out and run through the sprinkler.

This afternoon we filled water balloons, then went and got Liam from school. I thought the boys would have a water balloon fight -- nope...they just threw the balloons in the yard. Not a lot of fun for the amount of work that goes into filling those little things! Liam, Andrew & Evie played outside until dinner. The pool was nice and warm from the hot sun today. Ev loved the pool and the sprinkler, and was not ready to come inside.

We finished up our awesome day with Grahams ice cream downtown Geneva. The boys loved their chocolate chip & chocolate ice cream in "brown" cones (sugar cones), and Evie enjoyed her vanilla!