Saturday, June 21, 2008
Goodbye Ehlers....
For those of you who don't know, my Mom & Ron sold the store. There is no more "Ehlers Lawn & Recreation". We are still a John Deere store, and were bought out by a dealership called Hogan Walker. It has been a very emotional parting of ways. I am still working there, but they are coming in and changing EVERYTHING. I think the whole deal has been pretty bittersweet. On the one hand, mom & Ron should have a little more flexibility in their schedules, but on the other hand, they really feel like they were pushed into it prematurely, and the buyers handled the whole situation with an incredible lack of sensitivity. We had a last fling party a couple weeks ago, which I think was a nice note to end the era. As for my position in the company -- so far they've taken away my favorite things to do, and increased my paperwork by at least 10 times. So, I am actively pursuing a different job. I am not rushing into anything, and am keeping my mind open for different possibilities. I've only sent out one unsuccessful resume, but hey, it's a start! I'll keep you all posted!
Swedish Days
This week was Swedish Days downtown Geneva. I took Tuesday off to be home with Mike & Andrew so we could go to the Creation Station and build an airplane. Andrew got a Home Depot apron and a model airplane! Since the attention span wasn't there to build the airplane, we put the kit in the car & headed on to some sidewalk sales. After naptime, we headed back down & had dinner with my Aunt Sandy, Uncle Scott, Jeannie and Tabitha, Mom & Laurie. Ron met up with us by the band where the kids got to dance a little before we decided it was bedtime. Thursday night we headed back down so Liam and Andrew could enjoy some rides. Boy did they! Andrew was just heavy enough to meet the 30 pound minimum weight to jump on the super trampoline with the bungee cords. Both boys jumped higher, higher higher! From there, we went to the motorcycles. Liam had a blast riding his blue motorcycle, but Andrew wasn't too sure! Maybe it was that pink one he chose to drive! When we got to the racecars, he was all about the carnival rides! I had to pull him off & entice him with flying an airplane, which he loved too! It was such a fun night!

Andrew's Birthday Party
We had Andrew's 2nd birthday party on June 8th -- how fun! We decided to do an ice cream social with sundaes, brownies, cookies & cake. The kids had a blast, but it was just as much fun for the adults to add all the yummy toppings! Andrew got some great gifts, and everyone had a fun time!
Monday, June 2, 2008
...And She walked....
This weekend, my sister walked 40 miles to raise money for breast cancer research. I am crazy proud of her! She was in pain, but said "it's nothing compared to what women with breast cancer go through, so I'm not going to quit...that's what I keep telling myself". Good job, Laurie! Thanks for making a difference -- and keep 'em bouncing! Love ya!

(the shirt says "Someone I love did the Avon walk for Breast Cancer")
(the shirt says "Someone I love did the Avon walk for Breast Cancer")
Happy 2nd Birthday Andrew!
Today is Andrew's 2nd birthday! Where has the time gone? I just can't hardly even believe that a short 2 years ago I had this sweet, angelic little baby, and now -- he is all BOY! He definitely has a mind of his own! He is still sweet & cuddly, but wants things done his way, and now! I'm enjoying (almost) every minute of it! (j/k -- I could do without the meltdowns when I give him -for example - water instead of juice -- but I wouldn't give it up for the world!).

His birthday celebration started last nigh at Mike's parents house. They watched him for me yesterday so I could go to a bridal shower, and we stayed for dinner and cake & ice cream. He had a great day yesterday hanging out with them!
Then, I was home with him today & it was such a treat. We went to a special breakfast at Egg Harbor in Geneva where he indulged himself with cinnamon roll french toast, bacon, and strawberry-orange juice. From there we headed back out to Cosley Zoo, and again, the highlight was the train! We came home, had a light lunch, then he went down for a nice long nap! During his nap, I attempted to bake him a birthday cake -- somehow, I completely ruined it (still not quite sure!)! So, plan B -- he woke up from his nap & we headed to Dairy Queen for an ice cream cake! We came home & it was hot as could be, so I set up his pool at the end of his slide on his swingset & he played there for at least an hour before my mom, Ron, Laurie & Liam came over to join us for some pizza & cake. Liam and Andrew played in that pool & on the swings for another hour at least! Mike & I got Andrew the coolest Radio Flyer flip trike which is a tricycle & a big wheel all in one! He absolutely loves it! It was a perfect day! Only a couple minor melt downs, but I just sprayed Holly with some water to snap him out of it! We have his birthday party this Sunday & I'm sure it will be just as fun!
Jump'n Jiminie's
There is an inflatable playyard in St Charles called Jump'n Jiminie's, which always looked like so much fun! I checked their open jump schedule, and it's only Tuesdays & Thursdays for little guys under 8. Mike has those two days off, so he took Andrew there one day figuring there wouldn't be too many older kids there during the school year. Apparently, when they first got there, the only thing Andrew cared about was a Step Two plastic slide. Great -- they could have done that at home! Then some older kids arrived & went right for the inflatables & Andrew followed! Mike said he had so much fun climbing up the tall ladders and flying down the slides! Most of the older kids were patient as he slowly made his way to the top, and only a couple pushed around him. At least if he fell, it would be a bouncy fall! What a fun day with daddy!
Cosley Zoo
Shortly after May 5 (I can't remember the date) I took Andrew to Cosley Zoo in Wheaton. It's only about 15 minutes from my house & it's free to get in. Our neighbors across the street from us told me about it, and I jumped on the opportunity to take Andrew there. It is very small -- kind of like a farm with nice fenced in animals. And the highlight -- a choo choo you can play in! I think Andrew had more fun with the choo choo than looking at the animals. He really wanted to see monkeys, but they don't have them. I guess we'll have to head out to Brookfied for those at some point this summer!
It was a georgous day, and while I took the stroller, I let him just run around and take in all the animals. What a fun day we had! I think he was most excited to see the ducks, which is very funny to me, because we see ducks every day at the park! I guess you like what you are used to!

It was a georgous day, and while I took the stroller, I let him just run around and take in all the animals. What a fun day we had! I think he was most excited to see the ducks, which is very funny to me, because we see ducks every day at the park! I guess you like what you are used to!
Daddy cut grass!
(May 5, 2008)
For Christmas, Andrew got his own lawnmower! He has finally gotten to use it! Mike was cutting the grass & we pulled out the lawnmower, and Andrew followed in his steps cutting the grass with him! Andrew's mower is much cooler, though, because it blows bubbles -- most of the time! Everytime he heard a lawnmower for about a week afterwards he would proclaim "I help daddy cut grass!"
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