We are very proud of his little backyard playground & he loves it! We spent the whole weekend digging, anchoring* & mulching (*anchoring should be no small task, but do you see that big tree back there? Big tree = big roots which we could not get through w/out chopping up the roots--which we didn't want to do! We finally -- after an HOUR of trying -- anchored the back leg around one of the roots!) After we had his play area set up, we cleaned up the rest of the yard. Andrew earned his keep by helping put last years left over leaves in the bags!
I was so excited to see my first flower bloom! Nice weather + flowers = spring is FINALLY here! (and not just because it's April!)
Finally onto the fun stuff....PLAYING on all the cool stuff! Andrew's going to be quite the little daredevil! I love being able to tell him to go play outside while I make dinner or clean the kitchen. He doesn't quite get yet that he can go out by himself, but that's fine -- I'll take all the "Mommy COME!" ' s I can get!