Sunday, October 26, 2008
Grandma's birthday
Happy 75th Birthday Grandma! Over 50 years of marriage, 3 kids, 9 grand kids, 9.25 great grand kids....what a full & fun life!! It was great to have the WHOLE family (minus Timmy) together!

Pumpkin Patch
Every year since Andrew's been born, My Dad, Karen, Laurie & Liam have taken him to a pumpkin patch on a Saturday when I have had to work. This year, I decided to join in the tradition! We took the boys out to Jonomac Farms in Malta, IL. They had a BLAST! Big slides, corn mazes, tricycles, more big slides, duck racing, and corn in a silo (sand box style!). This will definitely make the books for family traditions!

Monday, October 13, 2008
Florida -- Pictures!

We're back from our trip -- so sad! I could seriously move to Florida. If I thought I could get my whole family on board with coming, I would so be job searching and house hunting right now! I love the beach, the sun, the heat, the humidity...the smell....I just love it!

We got to go out on Ron's new boat -- the Donzi 35! It is super fast and oh so cool! Andrew preferred the beach to the boat though, so we spent 2 days playing on the boat, and 2 days at the beach (plus a couple evenings!). We dug in the sand, built sand castles, played on the surf board...it was so much fun!

Saturday, October 11, 2008
My heart melted!
Today in the car, Andrew was making his normal phone calls to Aunt Laurie & Liam. Then he said:
"I want to call you, Mom"
So I said, that was fine, he could call me. Then he goes:
"Hello, Mom? I just have to tell you something"
(me) "What do you have to tell me?"
(Andrew) "That I love you"
Aw! It melted my heart!
"I want to call you, Mom"
So I said, that was fine, he could call me. Then he goes:
"Hello, Mom? I just have to tell you something"
(me) "What do you have to tell me?"
(Andrew) "That I love you"
Aw! It melted my heart!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Andrew on You Tube!
Check out my little man's Baa Baa Black Sheep!
He did this after winning the crowd with Three Blind Mice!
He did this after winning the crowd with Three Blind Mice!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
In just a few short hours, Mike, Andrew & I will be boarding a plane for Florida! I am so excited! Our annual John Deere training is a few weeks earlier this year, which allows Mike to take some time off work & come with us for the FIRST TIME EVER! I am so excited for him to come to the beach & eat at the restauants we have been talking about for years! Last year, Andrew wore an outfit that was HUGE on him at the beach....so big, in fact, that he still fits in it this year! I'm hoping to get some super cool pics (with my new camera!) of him at the same beach in the same outfit! Tune in soon for new pictures!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Kline Creek Farm
What a georgous day today! I got us out of the house and over to Winfield to Kline Creek Farm. Andrew was a bit stubborn at first & only wanted to play on the gravel path! We were in no hurry, so I let him (and got an opportunity to practice some shots with my new camera!). When we finally got to the farm part, he LOVED it! He got to see chickens, horses, sheep & cows. There wasn't a lot of activity going on, but we got there in time to see the horses led out to eat & the cows herded in to their pen. There were no people there, so we got to walk at our leisure & see the different things! I got to talk to the guy who sheers the sheep & he told me when they do the sheering & when the lambs will be born, so I think we'll be going back in the next few weeks!
Puddle Jumpers!
Ike brought a lot of rain to our town! Because of the rain, I had one very bored and antsy, no-napped 2 year old on Saturday! It was about 80 and raining...perfect weather for jumping in puddles! Check out his cool outfit! Raincoat, shorts, and snow boots! He & Mike had a blast!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
If this doesn't make you smile...
Last night, Andrew & I were eating dinner. My cell phone was on the table, so he picked it up, opened it & hit some buttons. His conversation:
Ah Lolie!
You okay?
Uh huh!
I eating dinner!
My mommy!
(at this point, I checked the phone to make sure it wasn't on!)
Oh no!
he looks at the phone & sees it is off..
I call again!
he pushes some buttons
Hello Ah Lolie!
Ah Lolie!
You okay?
Uh huh!
I eating dinner!
My mommy!
(at this point, I checked the phone to make sure it wasn't on!)
Oh no!
he looks at the phone & sees it is off..
I call again!
he pushes some buttons
Hello Ah Lolie!
Friday, September 12, 2008
my boys!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
My 29th +1 year birthday
So. It happened. I tried not to let it, but it did anyway. I turned 30 over Labor Day weekend. I told Mike a while ago that I didn't want a big party. As it was, the day was absolutely perfect & I wouldn't have asked for anything more! We had plans to go to Wisconsin for the weekend, but one of Mike's assistants at work threw a wrench in that schedule so we stayed home. Saturday we had some friends over & we ate & drank & played --- it was so much fun! Monday was my birthday. Laurie, Andrew & I went out to breakfast at Egg Harbor in Geneva. We walked down 3rd street & talked the whole way to Starbucks. A couple lattes & chocolate milk for the little man & we actually got to sit & continue a conversation (thanks Andrew!). After we got back to the car, we went floor shopping for Laurie's new house. Andrew & I made our way back to mom's house, where he went down for a nap & I went down to the pool! My Aunt & Uncle, Robby w/ his son Sy, Jeannie w/ her b/f Brian & Tabitha were all there. Bart & Nicole stopped by as well as some other friends. It was a very laid back little party, and I wouldn't have had it any other way! Oh...and the best part....
I got a NIKON D60!!!!! I've been playing with it a little, but am still learning all the features of the camera. Here are some of the pics I've taken! I've got some learning to do, but even not knowing what I'm doing I think they turned out pretty well!
Happy Anniversary!
Mike and I celebrated our 4th anniversary this year! The traditional gift is silk, so I thought a little outside the box, and got a French Silk pie & some champagne to celebrate. It was a nice evening! Hopefully we'll be able to get a sitter & go out to dinner sometime soon!
Elburn Days 2008
Another Elburn Days has come and gone. This was our first one as Hogan Walker, so there were some emotions tied, but as the fair went on and everything remained the same, it became less of an issue.
Andrew loved the rides this year! Friday night, he and Brandt rode rides & jumped in the bouncer...neither of them wanted to leave! Saturday afternoon we took Andrew back for more. He isn't quite ready for the roller coaster -- even with Mike riding with him! (we found that out the hard way!), but he loved the rest of the rides...and the chocolate ice cream....and the popcorn.....and the $3 blow up hammer he won at a game..........
if you look very closely you can see Andrew SCREAMING! while Mike is riding the dragon with him!
Happy 31st Birthday Mike!
Mike turned 31 this year! We had a pretty toned down party this year -- dinner with his parents, then dinner with my dad & Karen, then dinner with my Mom & Ron. Andrew & I got Mike some tickets to the Disturbed concert & arranged for some of his friends to go with. He had a blast -- minus a migrane before the main act took the stage :( but in all I think he had a great birthday!

**While we were at his parents, I forgot a diaper, and Andrew had to be changed. His mom made a "homemade" diaper using an old rag & safety pins. When we came home in the stylish outfit, he grabbed his blankie, cowboy hat, and sunglasses & decided he should play the piano!
Two Weddings....
At the beginning of August we had two weddings to go to! The first was my cousin Danne to her now husband Travis. We travelled to Indiana to join in the fun! The ride there left a bit to be desired...Andrew barely slept, and was complaining for most of the 4 hour drive. We got to the hotel & he got to go swimming with Mike while I got ready. Then, Andrew took his first shower with daddy which he LOVED! We got him dressed in his suit & he looked ADORABLE! He was great through the ceremony (thanks Danne, for keeping it short & sweet!). The reception was so much fun & kid friendly with candy & glow necklaces! There was even a little room off the main hall where all the kids ran & played! After a night of running, playing & dancing, Andrew sure was pooped & ready to go home! (**a cute note...when the DJ first started playing it was LOUD! Andrew covered his ears & told him to STOP! I told him that at weddings we play music -- after a quick break, he was off, tearing up the dance floor!)

Our next weekend was a short week later for my friend, Heather. I've known her since 5th grade when I first moved to St Charles. I was a bridesmaid, so our whole weekend was full! Andrew got to spend the night at my parents with Liam, so he had a riot! Mike and I enjoyed a little open bar, danced, and caught up with old friends I hadn't seen in a while. My camera died, so I don't have any pictures to share!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
just a cute one!
I know I have a ton of updating to do!! But, here is a cute pic my mom took while we were hanging out at her pool on Monday, and I wanted to post it before I forgot! Andrew just loved me swimming him on my back all around the pool! We had a blast taking turns letting all the kids jump off the diving board (while we caught them!). Andrew only took a couple turns himself, but loved telling everyone to DIVE! when it was their turn to go!

Friday, August 8, 2008
Cute Story
Of course this story is about Andrew! Last night, I was shoe shopping for a wedding I am in on Saturday. I was trying on shoes at DSW, and put on a pair & was walking away from Andrew, looking in the mirror. When I turned around, he had kicked off both his shoes & had reached over to the shoes on the shelf & put on two mismatched women's dress shoes! When I asked him what he was doing, he simply replied "my pretty shoes!". He tried on shoes with me until I found the perfect pair, which he picked out!
Thank you Dora & Diego!
Last night Andrew was watching his favorite movie (for now), Dora Pirate, while I was getting his bath ready. I came out just as she was getting ready to count her stars...and he counted to 7 in Spanish! I was so proud! Thanks to his love for Dora & Diego, he can count in Spanish, and knows the words (and pardon the spelling) - Luna (moon), Tuga (tortuga - turtle), Obre (open), and Estrella (stars).
In English he is routinely counting to 12, but has gotten to 16 with a little help. He keeps forgetting 4 & 5 though! Jumps straight from 3 to 6! We'll have to work on that!
In English he is routinely counting to 12, but has gotten to 16 with a little help. He keeps forgetting 4 & 5 though! Jumps straight from 3 to 6! We'll have to work on that!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Peck Farm Park
So, I am always looking for fun, new things to do with Andrew on my Mondays off with him. I decided to head out to Peck Farm Park & check out the butterfly museum. Andrew loved the butterflies (as much as he could). When we went in they gave us a "map" and we would look at the butterflies & pick out which one it looked like. He was more impressed with the waterfalls than the butterflies, but it was still fun! After, we walked around and saw the old barns, the 4 story silo (which he insisted on climbing), and walked a long path down to a pond. The most fun, though -- walking on the rocks around the flowers. He had a great time, and it's always fun to explore nature!
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